Sparkly perks & exclusive access

RGJ Rewards

It's as easy as 1-2-3

Unlock a sparkly world of exclusive perks & rewards!

Join the RGJ Rewards

Click the little turquoise button in the bottom right of your screen to join.

If you already have a RGJ store account, you’re automatically enrolled.

Collect your points

Earn 1 point for every $1 spent (plus even more for completing free activities - like 25 points just for joining!)

Redeem for rewards

The more you earn, the better the perks and discounts.

Complete free activities to earn even more points.

25 Points

Join the RGJ Rewards

25 Points

Follow us on Instagram

50 Points

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100 Points

Celebrate your birthday


It's easy to join! Just click the little turquoise button in the bottom right of your screen to create an account.

You’ll earn 1 point per $1 spent on anything from Rustic Gem Jewelry aside from shipping costs! You can also collect extra points by completing one-time and ongoing activities.

Head to your Rewards dashboard by clicking on the turquoise button in the bottom right and logging in. Click on “Ways to spend points” and choose the reward you want to redeem for.

You’ll be given a unique, one-time use code to enter during checkout, which will also be sent to your email.

Once you choose to redeem a reward, we aren’t able to refund those points if you change your mind…so click carefully!